Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sign of the Times

Tom and I spent a few hours yesterday making a new sign for the office, 1 East Main Street incidentally. A brief history of our signage:

  • First attempt stolen within two weeks
  • Second attempt, homemade, stolen within a week
  • Third attempt, 4'x8' too large for commercial zoning
  • See photos. Hopefully this one will be around for a while

It was up for about a minute when an older gentlemen from next door advised me that "we," meaning the church, were violating our not for profit status by endorsing a political candidate. The church is actually zoned as a commercial space, but I'm sure we'll be hearing from someone about that in the next few days.

I had a notion that this guy might be the one who stole the original two signs. We've been bringing it inside when we close at night, but I'm trying to rally support for a good old-fashioned stakeout. Anyone who's known me for a while already knows of my childhood dream of being a private investigator. Signs have been disappearing all over town. It's probably the same guy! What's one sleepless week compared to a lifelong dream? Forget it Jake; It's Chinatown.

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Louise said...

Hi Eric!
I read all your posts...I can't wait to hear more! Sounds like you're wearing out the soles of yoru shoes there in Ohio. Keep up the good work and don't be disheartened. I can honestly say that I tell everyone I know about my friend who went to Ohio to do something he believes in! Its really cool and you should be very, very proud.
I will speak for everyone here at good old Connexin and say we're all so proud of you!!
Have fun watching the debate tonight!
Louise :-)

Mike Matlack said...

Eric, why not a solution like http://www.jakeludington.com/downloads/20071211_secure_cam_motion_detection_video_camera_surveillance.html
for a high tech stakeout?
