Saturday, October 4, 2008

My First Canvass

I get paired up with this nice, older guy named Robert and we proceed to our designated neighborhood to knock on some doors. He had done it once before and was nice enough to give me some tips. The idea is to target undecided voters and do a little persuasion, but also to identify the people who we're going to call or knock on Election Day for Get-Out-The-Vote.

After about five doors, I see a car in the driveway of my next house. The name on my list is a woman's, but a man is driving the car. He pulls up to me and rolls down his window. I've changed the names to protect the antagonistic.

Eric: Hi, is Jane home?
Mr. Smith: No, she's not.
Eric: Oh, okay. I'm just a volunteer for the
Obama campaign and...
Mr. Smith: No! You kids don't know what you're
doing! That guy is a communist! He's a socialist! You kids
need to get your heads straight! He's a closet Muslim anyway!

This is actually a paraphrased version. The real conversation took about ten minutes, contained some stronger language and was spotted with platitudes from me: Yes sir... Okay sir... Thank you sir... I respect your opinion sir.

Mr. Smith: It's not my opinion!
Eric: Okay sir, sorry to bother you. Have a good day.
Mr. Smith: You're not even allowed to do this. You can't solicit in Hudson. You need a permit. Do you have a permit?
Eric: No sir, I don't have a permit. Have a nice day.
Mr. Smith: I'm calling the police.
Eric: Okay sir, take care.

Incidentally, there is a no soliciting law in Hudson, but political speech is protected by the First Amendment. You're just not allowed to sell anything or put literature in people's mailboxes. He drove by just to let us know the cops were called and they'd be stopping by in a few minutes. We thanked him politely and he went on his way. After a few more houses, a squad car stopped us and asked us what we were doing. The officer was very nice and she was quick to conclude that we were free to go. My colleague Robert chatted with her about her vest and siren lights as she filed her report. He works for a company that sells law enforcement supplies, (she didn't use his vests).

The only thing that sucked was that she stopped us in front of a house I had just knocked on and they were solid McCain supporters. They all watched from their door while we got the shakedown. I bet that made their day.

We finished up and headed back to the office. I recounted my story and Kim, our canvass leader, said that was a first for her. "Me too," I said. Apparently the guy owns a couple of McDonald's Restaurants in the area, so just in case you needed another reason to cut back on the fast food you can add this to the list.

In summation, my first canvass was interrupted by a McDonald's owner who is not too fond of the Junior Senator from Illinois... or socialists, or communists, or Muslims, or young people.

Am I forgetting anyone?

Oh yeah. He's not too fond of me.

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