Saturday, October 11, 2008

Canvassing, Barlow Rd.

I went out by myself today with two walk packets for the Saturday canvass. The weather was amazing... warm, sunny and there was just a little bit of fall color.

I knocked on ninety-five doors. Ninety-five, and only made nineteen contacts. That would not be considered a very high contact percentage. Considering that at least half of those were either solid or leaning McCain, it was a somewhat demoralizing day.

That being said, I did speak to quite a few solid Obama supporters, including one who worked on his primary campaign last year. He even gave me a little intelligence on his neighbors. "That guy works for the FBI so... He's in the union so... I'm almost sure they're going democratic this year..." etc. I gave him an Obama button.

I spoke to an older, undecided voter... and an Indians fan no less. I've heard this before, but there's this sense that Obama is "too good to be true." I mentioned the blurb for my Obama homepage about why I support him... "Because his farts smell like flowers." He got a kick out of that. We talked for a while, about politics and then about the Tribe.

We will win this election, if I have to talk to every Indians fan in Northeast Ohio.
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